Friday, November 2, 2012

住院记 Hospitalization

九月十日,入院。向来对日期不敏感的我,会记得住院做手术的原因是。。。第二天看了一整天的九一一回顾新闻。。。 @@
10 Sept admitted for minor surgery. I usually couldn't remember the dates, but this time... I was watching the 911 review news the next day in hospital the whole day... that's the reason...
Thank you Nicole, for sending me to hospital, admission, wait for the time to come, and even after... otherwise, it could be quite miserable....

Typical before and after... see, the hand was more painful than the leg at the moment.  This is the result when you bump into a lousy doctor... best was -- the nurse even refuse to take it off even I don't need it anymore, because no order from doctor. I was like... what the hell?

This time being high profile so friends can't escape but to come visit... hahaha... kesian...

在医院聚会。。。 @@
Gathering in hospital...

This fellow ah... even learn how to use crutches in the room, guess only schoolmate can be so 'excited' eh?:P

伙食还可以哦。 Food not bad leh...

Handicap's view, can only lye on the bed and watch out...imagine this is the only view you have for the rest of your life... be grateful and appreciate what you have man...

Stupid doc+stupid nurse+stupid patient+bandage wrapped for 3 days = super rashes. See I never cry over the minor surgery but this itchiness... really stupid... @@ IF there is next time, I'll prepare my own scissors lo...

Blink blink eyes already 2 months, really not easy! And there is nothing I can do besides staying strong and positve, counting the dates that I can try walk without crutches.. woo... another milestones achieved!

Thanks for care and help my dear friends & family, otherwise, life would be really really tough for these 2 months...


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