Sunday, May 20, 2012

何谓洗石? What is Pebble Wash/Stone?

其实想了很久这篇文的标题应该放什么,放‘我的新家’,好像有点炫耀,所以决定把它改成个比较有教育性的标题咯!哈哈哈啊。。。对,以下,就是‘洗石’的装修啦。其实我觉得除了美之外,它最棒的地方就是 - 不会滑!而且‘耐’脏哦!

Was thinking so long what to put on this post title. Put 'My New Home', like very show off like that. As such, I decided to make it a bit 'educating', hehehe...below are what we call renovated with pebble stone. Actually besides its cool look, the best I like for the pebble stone is its 'non-slippery' 'function', and then very easy to maintain (can't really see the dust :P)

 Mixing different colours of the stones makes a unique colour, pro huh? 

阿姨的设计哦! Aunt's Design!

这也是阿姨的设计! This one also Aunt's Design!

近看,手工很了得! Close view of the stones, great workmanship right? :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My House's Totoro 我家的龙猫

What is Totoro?? If you are the fans of Hayao Miyazaki then you'll know, if not, you can google a bit ^_^ Thanks to Aunt & my cousin-brother-in-law who really agreed and help me to put this little cutie on the floor to make my dreams come true! Since can't keep pet, just put two cutie 'cat' on the floor lah! :) The rest of the portion to be updated...
Sample captured from internet

I didn't know it was that complicated until I saw it in action how they made it! Felt a bit guilty tim, somemore that day so weather was hot!

差不多咯! Almost there...

Dang dang dang dang! Completed! Hahahaha... see also happy already! :p

Hopefully the rest of the minor reno also smooth smooth!

Monday, May 14, 2012


这也是去年的旅程啦,呵呵。这银子岩洞啊,导游说 “你是会边走边脱衣的,所以不必穿那么厚”。哈哈哈,因为里面大的很,跟着讲解员走大概也要一个小时吧(忘了)??而且不通风的,所以的确是越走越热! :P

This was last year's CNY trip, before we enter the cave, our tour guide asked us not to wear too thick as the inner we stroll along, the hotter we'll feel (which is so true!), as the cave is so huge and 'no wind' inside, we might even keep taking off our clothes! hahahaha...
四周都是红通通的灯笼,真的很有气氛的 Every where also red red tang long, very CNY feel!
银子岩溶洞是典型的喀斯特地貌,贯穿十二座山峰, 属层楼式溶洞,包括下洞、大厅、上洞三大部分,汇集了不同地质年代发育生长的各种类型的钟乳石
Siver Cave is typical karst topography that across 12 peaks, it belongs to "floor-type cave" which consist of lower, hall and upper cave three main parts, gathered with various type of stalactites that grow in different geological age (sounds very awful right the english? Sorry ya I seriously donno how to write this... hahahahaha)
开始咯,左图为‘芋王’,右图下像不像男生的‘小鸟’? 哈哈哈。。。
here we go, on the left there is this Yam stone, on the right....does it looks like guy's 'bird bird'? ahahaha

On the left we have Great Wall, on the right, Long Ji Staircase Field. Really amazing!

这里有酿酒窟哦! There is winery here!

It is pretty spectacular indeed, but I don't quite like the lighting, hmnm.. felt a bit 'tacky'?

These area's stalactites are shining one oh! Like thousand's of diamonds attached to it, but my camera was not able to capture the effect lah...

This is the scenery that I like most, the reflection on the shallow lake is really amazing, tranquil and beautiful.

右上角有个鲍鱼哪!There is an abalone on the top right corner oh!

After coming out from the cave, proceed to shopping for local biscuits via this walking path!

In short, this place is pretty cool, but if you have very less interest in 'stone', but you might not be liking it lo.

Monday, May 7, 2012

油漆 Paint

I used to admire those in the drama that the whole family paint the wall together gether until it become so colourful, hoping one day I’ll have the change to enjoy this with my mum as well. I did this last time with friends but not mother. Hahaha…

Lately has been busy preparing the house shifting and didn’t really online at night, hence, very little update in blog. There was this weekend mum & I went to new house to pain the rusty flower pot holder with the left over paint by previous owner, so that I can be recycle and last longer mah. But then not even half a day we already felt the stiff neck and back pain, hahaha… really getting old!
Hopefully can move in fast then we don’t have to climb up to 5th floor anymore! Finger crossed!


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