Friday, August 5, 2011

贺州-姑婆山国家森林公园 He Zhou~Gu Po Shan National Park

这是[茶是故乡浓]、[酒是故乡醇] 的拍摄地点,这样大家会比较熟悉吧?位于广西东北部,总面积8000公顷的姑婆山国家森林公园啊,听说是华南地区最大的天然森林氧吧。这里有茶园,瀑布和延绵不绝的山脉,景色是一流的,只是地方太大,我们这些走马看花的旅客又哪能一一品尝呢?不过可能因为季节的关系,个人认为金马伦的茶园比这里的美多了!

This is where 2 of the HK Dramas (Plain Love II & Country Spirit) framing. Sounds familiar? It is located at North-East of Guang Xi, about 8000 hectare and is said that this is the biggest 'Natural Forest Oxygen Bar' around this area. There is tea farm, waterfalls & stretches of mountains that half a day even 1 day is definitely not enough time to explore it all. Tourists like us, of course we've just had a cursory tour on the main attractive sight seeing point here...

入门处 Entrance

Lucky there is shutter services, else I'm not sure if we can walk from one place to another... its just too huge here...

Seriously, I don't really find this waterfalls very unique or even 'amazing'... probably I've got too much of expectation from it...

Like this scenery as it mades me felt warm by seeing the friends & family coming out together during festive ...

Actual scene doesn't look as 'large' as the one we saw in TV :P 

Stuff used to make vine... mum saw it before oh!

Hmnm... not easy to reach this Temple... scroll down & you'll know...

These 2 'tripod' looks kind of an antique to me :P

Must climb up this steep staircase to reach the temple  =='

This is another small village that built for a drama filming. Very nice village but after the filming nothig much left. If the government rent out the shops for trading I guess it will be must more lively...

Love this small stream that surrounding the village...

Having a shelter here, pretty nice...
Overall this a very huge place to explore but probably we've got too little time so I couldn't really enjoy each and every of it, and to me its not a must go place if you do not have much time...


இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Sorry no idea about this HK Dramas presume on Astro? Wow big stones small stones Bananaz simply love stones.

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

Wow the steps to the temple like our very own Batu Caves. Did you count the number of steps? haha. Thought seen this scene of houses on stilts with the river in some swordsplay movie haha.

இ Baŋäŋaz இ said...

You expect something like Niagara Falls..yeah just a small water fall in Hokkien we say "no fish prawn also can" hahaha..

[SK] said...

還在看著你的紐西蘭遊記, 現在怎麼突然飛去賀州了?? 呵呵, 很突然.. 小橋流水小鄉村, 茶濃酒醇空氣好~~

LionGirl said...

When you go China lah? Was still waiting for your NZ posts, suddenly "sak chut" China pulak! Really octopus lah you1 Nice post!

Casendra said...

Bananaz, I got count but lost count at the end :P Its a very old hk drama, and yes i also love those stone :D Hehehe... I didnt expect niagara falls but hor... I think our Langkawi's waterfalls has more 'breath taking' effect lo :P

SK, 专家讲偶尔要做些不同的东西嘛,所以突然来个贺州让大家爽以下咯。哈哈哈。。。(其实是在draft很久了。。。)

LG, this one old post was stayed in 'draft' for too long so publish first lo. hahahaha... ini CNY punya trip :P

Triton said...


Casendra said...

Triton, 我也想啊。哈哈哈。。。回来很久了在为公事和私事忙 :)


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