Tuesday, November 16, 2010

公司的三天两夜~Team Building @ Eagle Ranch, Port Dickson

11月12日2010 年~心不在焉的踏上了这三天两夜之旅。。。
12 Nov 2010, heading to Eagle Ranch with mind wondering around...

The restaurant...wooden decoration always make me feel comfortable...

The ranger said this is the 3rd biggest challenge in Asia. Personally I prefered SkyTrekking, more challenging & fun, the difference is, this one you gotto trust your team mate, then only you can jump off from the challenge while they were holding the rope down there...
Of course, Paint Ball! Which I also 'so so' interested only...
Small game along the resort...

那个。。。虽然大家都是‘马’,不过被‘嗅’时还是会毛毛的 :P
Hehe, tho we both also 'horse', but then hor, get sniffed sniffed by him still a bit geli :P

The lodging @ Eagle Rance, we stayed at left bottom one, pretty special...

My human guardian angels of the trip whom ward off the devils in the group... hahahaha...what a post...
整个旅程啊,我最享受玩乒乓的时刻,其他时间就只有一个字 - 热!超热,那天气讲真的玩什么都会意兴阑珊(我实在是不太能忍受热闷热。。。),庆幸的是还有几个谈的来得朋友可以吹吹水,也是件乐事。。。
The whole trip I guessed I enjoyed most when we were playing table tennis, the rest of the day I only remembered one word - HOT! Hot hot hot and hot! My goodness, I didn't really have any 'mood' to play any of the outdoor games due to such a weather...
Lucky thing is there are still friends that can chit chatting and hang around with....


vialentino said...

wah...nice TB there ... i went to eagle ranch before...quite fun ler! enjoy urself!

Jeff Tan said...

why i didn't see calintz leh? :)

[SK] said...

你們的team building好像很好玩.. 我記得舊公司有一次的team building, 真的很悶, 那些游戲設計到很好笑囉..

Casendra said...

SK, 那些游戏也是很搞笑的,小学生的游戏叻。只有那paint ball 和 rope course 比较有挑战性。。。呵呵。。。

Lisa717 said...

wow.. u all seems have lot of fun eh!!! I never play paint ball b4.. dunno I can handle it or not.. hahaha~~

Casendra said...

Lisa, my advised to you on paint ball, dont think and just shoot! haha...especially when the bullets is FOC one. :P If bullet empty, also keep shooting just to scare people lah :P


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